Contact Us
We can be contacted by email or by phone. Please leave a message if it is not answered, we may be out of range, out of power, or out in the garden with some cider…..

07796 987 281

We get many people contacting us to see if we can find a home for their apples. Should you have a surplus and want a good home for them please contact us! We are always happy to thank you with apple juice and cider.

Trade enquiries welcome!

If you would like to join our 20 or so local stockists please get in contact, we would be delighted to discuss your requirements.

Visit us

We are pleased to welcome cider enthusiasts who wish to try our products, preferably arranged in advance! As we use apples from mostly abandoned orchards we have no need for our own orchards, we would hope sitting in the garden on a nice day trying some great cider would make up for this.

If you want to visit a local cider producer with orchards we recommend Bere Cider Company and Burrow Hill Cider where we have spent many happy hours. 

We hope to see you soon!


We can be contacted by email or by phone. Please leave a message if it is not answered, we may be out of range, out of power, or out in the garden with some cider…..

07796 987 281

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